Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Take Two Questions?

1.  After the first two days, what are some things you have learned?

In the first two days I learned that different angles can make a situation change drastically. An example of this is in the original Guess Who's Coming to Dinner when the boyfriend and the maid had a heated conversation, even though the boyfriend was significantly taller they put the camera at a diagonal angle  in order to put them at the same level.  

2.  What are some ideas you (individually) have brought to your group work?

I helped with the ideas of characters in our movie, adding Michael Myers in the story plot of Groundhog day allowed us to create a very original idea. 

3.  What are some things you are still looking forward to taking away from the class?

I am looking forward to learning to see how the professionals create such long scenes in one take with little to no flaws. 

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