Thursday, January 16, 2014

Zombieland Review

Before I go into any details on my opinions of Roger Ebert's review on Zombieland you should check it out first to understand what I'm saying:

All in all he makes very good points that I agree with like they don't make the zombies scary which makes it that much funnier. Zombieland is one of my favorite films because it incorporates a laughable zombie flick that won't have you take your eyes off the scene because you don't know what will happen next. Also, I can say that zombies are a major fad of the 21st century and anything that incorporates them will most likely find success unless they look like they were made by a second grader. For me personally this reminds me of the Left 4 Dead game series, a pretty popular zombie killing series created by the gaming developers Valve. I like the idea of four people teaming up to kill zombies in order to get to a destination and just reminds me, in a movie form, of Left 4 Dead and the entertainment that brings. 

Mr. Ebert goes into the characters and the incorporation, especially with Jesse Eisenberg, of graphics. The 3D word graphics just make the feel of the movie less series which brings more of an entertainment and funny aspect to it. When we sit through a horror or an epic action we just sit their hoping and waiting for a happy ending but with Zombieland the non series feel makes for a more relaxed experience. Furthermore, the introduction to the movie is one of the most unique and epic set of shots I have seen in a movie it just brings you the awesomeness of the movie in the beginning. 

Roger Ebert did have a couple of questions that Im going to try to answer, but most likely will not be the best answers. 

Vampires make a certain amount of sense to me, but zombies not so much. What's their purpose? They create a easy opposition that will only be able to defeat you if you don't have enough weaponry or are just so consumed by their numbers. Unlike vampires, who are more difficult to defeat in a one on one situation zombie just create an easy encounter for the protagonist.  

Why do they always look so bad? They always look so bead because they are still technically dead, and with death comes the decomposition of ones body making the zombies look bad. 

Can there be a zombie with good skin? Unless they just turned into a zombie right in front of your eyes this most likely will not occur. 

How can they be smart enough to determine that you're food and so dumb they don't perceive you're about to blast them? They only go on their natural senses which is to eat which doesn't give them the understanding that a 12 gage shotgun his going to blow their brains into a pulp. 

All in all I agreed with a majority of what Roger Ebert says and just like he did I enjoyed Zombieland very much. 

Wally Pfister :: The Best Cinematographer?

Mr. Pfister is most known for one of the most mind blowing movies of the 21st century, Inception. The camera angles and shots are revolutionary for film at this time. Wally Pfister also filmed other classic movies including: Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Moneyball, and Marley. His unique style and professionalism with every shot makes him a very good contestant for best cinematographer of all time. 

Producer :: Steven Spielberg

Spielberg, even though he is known as an amazing director with his creation of movies like Jaws, he has also produced dozens of well known films in his time. Examples of these are Jurassic Park, War Horse, and Super 8 this just shows how much say he has in the film industry.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Clash of the Titans :: Original vs. Remake

The Difference:

The Class of the Titans is a classic 1981 movie having some of the best graphics at its time. The plot of the story has a lot of introduction compared to the remake version especially with the introduction of the man who lives in the abandoned theater. In the remake that character is represented as the fisherman who saved Perseus from the storm, but in the original version both Perseus and his mother survived the storm. This created a closer bond between Zeus and Perseus because they both loved Perseus's Mom or Zeus mistress very much. With that said taking that away, in the remake made Perseous more human and not giving him any ties with the gods. This conflict makes his adventure much more difficult then the original adventure because with the original adventure Perseus used all the gods gift making his conflicts less of a challenge. All in all the remake tried to stay with the originals plot, but faded away from it in certain scenes. Even with the obviously graphical differences both movies have their positive qualities that actually make it difficult to say which one is better. 

Director: George Lucas

  George Lucas is most famously known for directing the Star Wars series. Founding Lucasfilm Limited he made one of the most successful business out there with the income from the movies, books,  T.V, and games. His development with the Star Wars franchise makes him one of the most successful people in the movie business. 

The Screenwriter Charlie Kaufman

I enjoy Kaufman's writing because he tells very interesting stories that are grounded in reality. He wrote Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Kaufman is not only a writer he also is a producer, director, and lyricist. Kaufman is very diverse in his work and creates very original and entertaining writing pieces, making him a very talented screenwriter. 

Take Two Questions?

1.  After the first two days, what are some things you have learned?

In the first two days I learned that different angles can make a situation change drastically. An example of this is in the original Guess Who's Coming to Dinner when the boyfriend and the maid had a heated conversation, even though the boyfriend was significantly taller they put the camera at a diagonal angle  in order to put them at the same level.  

2.  What are some ideas you (individually) have brought to your group work?

I helped with the ideas of characters in our movie, adding Michael Myers in the story plot of Groundhog day allowed us to create a very original idea. 

3.  What are some things you are still looking forward to taking away from the class?

I am looking forward to learning to see how the professionals create such long scenes in one take with little to no flaws.